record S 16 SU – Under floor linear sliding door drive
Our under floor systems give architects more space to add a charming touch. In doing so, our developers have emphasized the fact that the drive is not a conventional one taken from the series and simply modified accordingly, but that it has to comply with the demands of a highly specific application. A claim which is relevant not only in terms of functional safety, but also keeps wear and tear to a minimum and emphasizes the need for regular maintenance.

record SU automatic sliding door drives cater for door opening sizes of up to 4000 mm in width. This includes drives for linear (S 16 SU) as well as radial doors (R 61 SU). The maximum weight of the door leaves is up to 1 x 200 or 2 x 200 kilos. A depth of at least 200 mm is required for installation.
Sloping doors, heavier leaves and larger opening widths are available on request.