
Case Studies – PwC Tower (Commercial Bay), Ground Floor Entry

Officially opened in mid 2020, PwC Tower is a 39 storey office building at the heart of Auckland’s transformative Commercial Bay development. Designed by Warren & Mahoney, in collaboration Woods Bagot and NH Architecture, it is the tallest office building in New Zealand boasting a never before seen, at this height and design complexity, completely steel framed structure with a distinctive curved form glass curtain wall system making it instantly identifiable and iconic within the Auckland skyline.

Warren & Mahoney engaged record Automatic Doors to assist in the design of the revolving door entrances to the ground floor entries off Lower Albert Street, as well as the expansive upper Sky Lobby entrance, overlooking the outdoor terrace area.

For the ground floor entries two 3000mm diameter x 3000mm high Diamond Series revolving doors were selected and positioned within freestanding portal entries that support the striking surrounding frameless glass assembly installed by our client Thermosash.

Low iron glass was used for optimum clarity with linished stainless steel trim to the sidewall edges and door leaf rails while the drive motors are contained within floor pits accessible via removable floor matting.

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