Mission statement
Our group of companies designs, manufactures, markets, installs and maintains high quality products in Door, Gate and Building Automation (the control and monitoring of doors). We want to be the market leader in these areas! The wishes of the customers should be at the centre of our product development and all our services. We are open to new methods and new ideas. We strive to produce creative solutions, as only the continuous renewal of our range of products and services will guarantee the future success of the record group! We support market economy and profit-oriented principles. As a company that is quoted on the stock exchange, we look after the long-term interests of the shareholders and stakeholders.
These goals can be achieved if our employees at all levels are highly qualified and motivated. The prerequisite for this is that technical and personal education and training is permanently promoted. The positive example of the managers is the basis of a good working environment and for the professional and personal development of our employees. We are convinced that thorough and fair business management in all respects and positive thinking have to be the chief principles of all our dealings.
Hubert Jouffroy
Chairman of the Board of Directors